Credit: Frankie Dollar, MasaJojo & other sources
1, Thurs. 02/28/2008 (taped 03/04/1986) Sean Michaels vs. Khan Scott Hall vs. Doug Sommers Bruiser Brody vs. Crusher
Blackwell Crusher Blackwell vs. Boris Zhukov
Show 2, Fri. 02/29/2008 (taped 07/15/1986 Partial Show) Rose/Sommers
vs. Jake Millman/Chad Bardeux Col. DeBeers vs. Jesse Hernandez Nick Bockwinkle vs. Boris Zhukov
Show 3, Sat.
03/01/2008 (taped 07/22/1986) Don Fargo vs.Curt Hennig Boris Zhukov vs.Tim Patterson Jerry Blackwell vs Stan Hansen Ali
Khan vs. Brad Rheingans
Show 4, Tues. 03/04/2008(taped 9/23/86) Rob Burroughs vs. Mr. Go Tom Pitman vs. Scott
Hall Boris Zhukov & Ali Khan vs. Myers & Cooper Paul Garner vs. Nick Bockwinkel Scott Hall vs. Col. DeBeers
5, Wed. 03/05/2008 (taped 10/5/1986) Butch Cooper vs. Larry Zbyszko Bill Tabb vs. Brad Rheingans Midnight Rockers
vs. Sweat & Crenshaw Col. DeBeers vs Rob Burroughs Cage Match Brody & Barbarian vs. Jimmy Snuka & Greg Gagne
6, Thurs. 03/06/2008 (taped 10/12/1986) Tom Stone vs. Scott Hall Richards & DeFalco vs. Yuri Gordyenko & Alexis
Smifnoff Tony Leoni & Dennis Stamp vs. Midnight Rockers Larry Zbyszko vs. Curt Hennig
Show 7, Fri. 03/07/2008
(2/23/86) Chris Curtis vs. Marty Jannety Nord the Barbarian & Boris Zhukov vs. C. Bassett & Spike Jones Earthquake
Ferris vs. Scott Hall Jerry Blackwell vs. Bruiser Brody
Show 8, Sat. 03/08/2008 (1986) Larry Clark vs. Larry
Zbyszko Alex Knight vs. Marty Jannety Pete Sanchez vs. Bruiser Brody Buddy Rose & Doug Summers vs. Curt Hennig
& Scott Hall
Show 9, Tues. 03/11/2008 (taped 07/01/1986) Earthquake Ferris vs. Col. DeBeers Gus Torrez vs.
Larry Zbyszko Sherry Martel vs. Candy Devine Curt Hennig vs. Stan Hanson
Show 10, Wed. 03/12/2008 (8/30/1986) Sanchez
& Bold Eagle vs. Yuri Gordyenko & Alexis Smirnoff Tony Leoni vs. Greg Gagne Mike Richards vs. Col. DeBeers Eddie
Sweat vs. Larry Zbyskzko Rose & Sommersw/ Sherri vs Bold Eagle & Sonny Rogers Ed Gantner vs. Leon White
11, Thurs. 03/13/2008 (12/21/86 ) Tom Stone vs. Super Ninja Ken Glover vs. Greg Gagne Lord Littlebrook & Little
Tokoyo vs Cowboy Lang & Little Mr. T (jip, WrestleRock 86) Sherri Martell vs. The Killer Tomato Don Fargo vs. Brad
Rheingans Mike Richards vs. Col. DeBeers
Show 12, Fri. 03/14/2008 (12/07/1986) Jones & Rogers vs. Alexis
Smirnoff & Yuri Gordyenko Pete Sanchez vs. Jerry Blackwell Tom Stone vs. Super Ninja Greg Gagne vs. Tony Leoni MC:Larry
Hennig vs. Boris Bresnikov(Nikolai Volkoff) Rick Gantner vs. Curt Hennig
Show 13, Sat. 03/15/2008(3/11/86) Doug
Somers vs. Shawn Michaels Barbarian & Boris Zhukov vs. Marty Jannetty & Curt Hennig Leon White vs. Larry Zbyszko Stan
Hanson vs. David Sanmartino
Show 14, Tues. 03/18/2008 (03/25/1986) Jesse Hernandez vs. Buddy Rose Billy Anderson
vs. Col. DeBeers Knight & DeHass vs. Midnight Rockers Brad Rheinegans vs Masked Murauder (Brody) Boris Zhukov
& Barbarian vs. Scott Hall & Curt Hennig
Show 15, Wed. 03/19/2008 (6/24/86) Dennis Stamp vs. Col. DeBeers Jay
York vs.Curt Hennig Boris Zhukov & Nord the Barbarian vs. Midnight Rockers
Show 16, Thurs. 03/20/2008 (1986) Ali
Khan vs. Earthquake Ferris Jay York vs. Jimmy Snuka Jerry Blackwell vs. StanHansen Alexis Smirnoff, Buddy Rose,
Doug Somers vs. Curt Hennig & Midnight Rockers
Show 17, Fri. 03/21/2008 (8/5/1986) Kurt Gunther vs. Doug Somers Don
Fargo vs. Jimmy Snuka Midnight Rockers vs. Larry Zbyszko & Mr. Go
Show 18, Sat. 03/22/2008 (1986) Nick Bockwinkel
vs Jay York Midnight Rockers vs Stamp & Knight Brad Rheingans vs Pete Sanchez Gagne, Henning & Snuka vs Zbyszko,
Sommers & DeBeers
Show 19, Tues 3/25/08 (1986) Col. DeBeers vs Pete Sanchez Gagne & Blackwell vs Curtis
& Renslow Zhukov & Nord the Barbarian vs Renslow & Ferris Princess Jasmine vs Sherri Martel
20, Wed. 3/26/08 (9/16/86) Ken Glover vs. Greg Gagne Fields & Crenshaw vs. Doug Somers & Buddy Rose Eddie
Sweat vs. Larry Zbyszko Bill Tabb vs. Curt Hennig Boris Zhukov vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Show 21, Thurs. 3/27/08 full
replay of 2/29/08 (7/15/86) Milliman & Bardeaux vs Rose & Sommers Jimmy Snuka vs Dennis Stamp Col. Debeers
vs Jesse Hernandez Boris Zhukov vs Nick Bockwinkel
Show 22, Fri. 3/28/08 was a repeat of show #1
Show 23,
Sat.3/29/08 (9/20/85, SuperClash I) Candi Devine vs. Sherri Martel Kamala vs. Jerry Blackwell MC: Crusher/Bruiser
vs Texas Outlaws Nick Bockwinkel, Larry Zbyszko & Ray Stevens vs. Scott Hall, Greg Gagne & Curt Hennig
24, Tues. 4/1/08 (1986) Marty Jannetty vs. Jake Milliman Leon White vs. Chris Curtis Doug Somers vs. Scott Hall w/Curt
Hennig Boris Zhukov, The Barbarian and The Stomper vs. Curt Hennig, Jerry Blackwell and Sgt. Slaughter
Show 25,
Wed. 4/2/08 (2/14/86) The Alaskans vs. Leon White and Buck Zumhoffe King Kong Brody w/Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie vs. Mike
Richards Sgt. Slaughter vs. Rick Gatner Curt Hennig vs. Stan Hansen
Show 26, Thurs. 4/3/08 (1986) Col. DeBeers
vs. Rev. Willie Pappas Buddy Rose and Doug Somers vs. Jesse Hernandez and Leon White Doug Somers vs. Shawn Michaels America's
Championship: The Barbarian w/Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie vs. Sgt. Slaughter
Show 27, Fri. 4/4/86 (repeat of show #3) Don
Fargo vs Curt Henning Boris Zhukov vs Tim Patterson Jerry Blackwell vs Stan Hansen Brad Rheingans vs Ali Kahn
28, Sat. 4/5/08 (1986) Leon White vs. Earthquake Ferris Sgt. Slaughter vs. Budda Kahn Wahoo McDaniel vs. Col. DeBeers Brad
Rheingans vs. Boris Zhukov w/Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie
Show 29, Tues. 4/8/08 (5/13/86) The Midnight Rockers vs. Knight
and Ruez King Kong Brody w/Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie vs. Leon White Col. DeBeers vs. Nick Bockwinkel
no show on
Show 30, Thurs. 4/10/08 (1986) Jesse Hernandez vs Larry Zybszko Mike Richards vs Stan Hansen Chris
Curtis vs Col. DeBeers The Midnight Rockers vs Zhukov & Al Kassie
Show 31, Fri. 4/11/08 (1986) Brad Rheingans
vs. Hans DeHass Col. DeBeers vs. Alex Knight Sgt. Slaughter vs. Earthquake Ferris King Kong Brody w/Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie
vs. Tim Patterson The Midnight Rockers vs. Buddy Rose and Doug Somers
Show 32, Sat. 4/12/08 (4/8/86) Hall &
Henning vs Hendrickson & Ferris Billy Anderson vs Buddy Rose Masked Maurader vs Brad Rheingans Stan Hansen vs
Leon White
Show 33, Tues. 4/15/08 (1986) King Kong Brody/(Nord) The Barbarian vs. Jesse Hernandez/The Steel Gladiator Apache
Pistol Pete vs. Brad Rheingans MC: Ray Stevens vs Red Bastien Doug Sommers vs. Mike Rotundo
Show 34, Wed. 4/16/08
(1986) Sommers/Rose vs. Gladiator/ Jesse Hernandez Harley Davidson vs. Nick Bockwinkel Col. DeBeers vs. Mike Richards Ninja
Go / Larry Zbyszko vs. Curt Hennig/ Mike Rotundo
Show 35, Thurs. 4/17/08 ( 5/27/86) HD Hass/Handsome Harry Henderson
vs. Boris Zhukov/Sheik Adnan Al-Kassie Col. DeBeers vs. Jake Millman Zbyszko/Sommers/Rose vs Steve Pardee/Mike Rotundo/Jimmy
Show 36, Fri. 4/18/08 (1986) Don Fargo/ El Siberiano vs. Midnight Rockers Jesse Hernandez vs. Nord The
Barbarian Ken Glover vs. Curt Hennig Scott LeDoux vs. Larry Zbyszko
Show 37, Sat. 4/19/08 (1986) Rockers vs.
Tom Stone/Tony Leoni Ali Baba vs. Jake “The Milkman” Milliman Col. DeBeers vs. Earthquake Ferris Sommers/Rose
vs. Hall/Hennig
Show 38, Tues. 4/22/08 (9/2/86) Nord The Barbarian w/Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie vs. Bobby Bold Eagle Larry
Zbyszko vs. Alan West Ali Kahn and Boris Zhukov w/Shiek Adnan El-Kaissie vs. Bill Anderson and Jesse Hernandez The Midnight
Rockers vs. Buddy Rose and Doug Somers w/Sherri Martel (bloodbath)
Show 39, Wed 04/23/2008 (12/24/1988) RPM's &
Cactus Jack vs. Guerrero Bros. Ron Garvin vs. Greg Gagne Rock & Roll Express vs. Stud Stable Sgt. Slaughter vs.
Col. DeBeers (Boot Camp Match)
Show 40, Thurs. 04/24/2008 (1988) Tom Rich vs. Jimmy Valiant Top Guns vs. Hangman
& Beast Sgt. Slaughter vs. Boris Zhukov (Superclash I) Stud Stable vs. Nature's Best Badd Company vs. RPM's
41, Fri. 04/25/2008 (1988) Iceman King Parson vs. Brickhouse Brown Eric Embry vs. Jeff Jarrett Samoan Swat Team vs.
Hayes & Cox
Show 42, Sat. 04/26/2008 (1988) Badd Company vs. Baxter & Odyssey Manny Fernandez vs. Sonny
Street Matt Striker vs. Wahoo McDaniel Madusa Miceli vs. Wendy Richter Samoan Swat Team vs. Hayes & Cox
43, Tues. 04/29/2008 (1988) Beauty & The Beast vs. Top Guns Col. DeBeers vs. Ken Reaper Natures Best vs. RPM's Young
vs. Brickhouse Brown Jerry Lawler vs. Kerry Von Erich
Show 44, Wed. 04/30/2008 (1988) Cactus Jack & Young
vs. Billy Travis & Scott Steiner Mike Enos vs. Ali Khan Jerry Lawler vs. Kerry Von Erich Ron Garvin vs. Reynolds Rock
and Roll Express vs. Kerry Von Erich & Hangman Soldat Ustinov vs. Sgt. Slaughter
Show 45, Thurs. 5/1/08 (1988) Van
Horne & Milliman vs. Nick Kiniski and Kevin Kelly w/Madusa Miceli Ricky Rice and Steve O vs. The Samoan Destroyer and
Dennis Stamp Billy Jack Strong vs. Tom Stone Soldat Ustinov vs. Dennis Stamp The Midnight Rockers vs. The Original
Midnight Express w/Paul E. Dangerously
Show 46, Fri. 5/2/08 (1988) Adrian Adonis w/Bob Orton vs. Ricky Rice Samoan
Joe vs. Jerry Lawler Darryl Olsen vs. Greg Gagne © Tom Johnson vs. Bob Orton Tom Zenk and Wahoo McDaniel vs. The
Nasty Boys
Show 47, Sat. 5/3/08 (1988) The Nasty Boys vs. Tom Johnson and Ricky Rice Badd Company vs. Greg Robertson
and Tim Patterson Soldat Ustinov w/Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie vs. Alan West Adrian Adonis w/Bob Orton vs. Greg Gagne
48, Tues. 5/6/08 (1988) Bob Orton vs. Ricky Rice Mike Smith and Mark Wagner vs. The Midnight Rockers © Soldat Ustinov
w/Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie vs. Daryll Olsen Wahoo McDaniel vs. Jim Thomas Kevin Kelly w/Madusa Miceli vs. Curt Hennig
Show 49, Wed. 5/7/08 (1988) Magnificent/Kiniski vs. Olsen/Mike Smith Mark Wagner vs. Greg Gagne Tom Zenk
vs. the Nomad Rockers vs. Adonis/Orton
no show 5/8/08
Show 50, Fri. 5/9/08 (1988) Wahoo McDaniel vs. Samoan
Joe The Hurricane Kid and Billy Anderson vs. Badd Company Destroyer Samoan vs. Greg Gagne Bob Orton vs. Kevin Collins AWA
World Heavyweight Championship Jerry Lawler vs. Curt Hennig ©
Show 51, Sat. 5/10/08 (1988) The Nasty Boys vs.
Kevin Collins and Greg Robertson Steve O vs. Greg Gagne Destroyer Samoan and Samoan Joe vs. The Midnight Rockers Bad
Boy Brown and Killer Cruz vs. Cowboy Lang and The Karate Kid
Show 52, Tues. 5/13/08 (1988) Ricky Rice vs. Hurricane
Kid Greg Gagne and Wahoo McDaniel vs. Bob Orton and Curt Hennig Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie vs. Kevin Collins Sgt. Slaughter
vs. Mike Moore Badd Company vs. The Midnight Rockers
Show 53, Wed. 5/14/08 (1988) Pistol Pete and Buddha kahn
vs. The Midnight Rockers © The Surfer vs. Rocky Mountain Thunder Daryl Nickle vs. Baron Von Raschke Mando Guerrero
and Ricky Rice vs. Badd Company MC: Adrian Adonis, Jesse Ventura and Crusher Blackwell vs. Jim Brunzell, Greg Gagne and
Hulk Hogan Ms. Olympia vs. Debbie Combs
Show 54, Thurs. 5/15/08 (1988) Greg Robertson vs. Soldat Ustinov w/Teijo
Kahn Ricky Morton vs. Dennis Stamp Daryl Nickle vs. Greg Gagne MC: Baron Von Raschke vs. Sheik Adnan Al-Kassie Badd
Company vs. The Midnight Rockers
Show 55, Fri. 5/16/08 (1988) Pistol Pete vs. Ricky Rice Greg Robertson vs.
Curt Hennig w/Madusa Miceli MC: The Fabulous Ones w/The Crusher vs. The Road Warriors w/Paul Ellering Krusher Kruger
and Soldat Ustinov w/Teijo Kahn vs. Ricky Morton and Wahoo McDaniel Baron Von Raschke vs. Teijo Kahn w/Soldat Ustinov
56, Sat. 5/17/08 (1988) Pistol Pete vs. Baron Von Raschke Rocky Mountain Thunder vs. Daryl Nickle MC: Ray Stevens
vs. Billy Robinson Pat Tanaka w/Paul Diamond vs. Greg Gagne AWA World Heavyweight Championship Wahoo McDaniel vs.
Curt Hennig © w/Madusa Miceli
Show 57, Tues. 5/20/08 (1988) Mike Richards vs Ricky Rice Jim Evans and Ricky Ataka
vs. Badd Company w/Diamond Dallas Page Bill Anderson vs.Rocky Mountain Thunder MC: Crusher Blackwell vs. Verne Gagne
Samoan Joe and Tom Stone vs. The Rock n' Roll Express Ray Stevens and Baron Von Raschke vs. Soldat Ustinov and Teijo
Show 58, Wed. 5/21/08 (1988) The Samoan Kid vs. Mando Guerrero The Midnight Rockers vs. Bill Anderson and
Mike Richards Alex Knight vs. Teijo Kahn w/Soldat Ustinov MC: Ray Stevens and Nick Bockwinkel vs. The Crusher and Red
Bastien The Nasty Boys vs. The Rock n' Roll Express
NO SHOW 5/22/08
Show 59, Fri. 5/23/08 (1988) Alex
Knight vs. Mando Guerrero Samoan Joe vs. Brian Knobs Ricky Ataka vs. Teijo Khan Greg Gagne vs. Paul Diamond Mike
Richards/Krusher Krugnoff vs. The Rock n' Roll Express
Show 60, Sat. 5/24/08 (1988) Krusher Krugnoff vs. Baron Von
Raschke Soldat Ustinov w/Teijo Kahn vs. Greg Robertson Dennis Stamp vs. Jerry Lawler MC: Tito Santana and Rick Martel
vs. The High Flyers (Greg Gagne and Jim Brunzell) Ricky Rice vs. Teijo Kahn w/Soldat Ustinov
Show 61, Tues. 5/27/08
(1988) Kevin Collins vs. Rocky Mountain Thunder Daryl Nickle vs. Jerry Lawler Louie Spicoli and Houdini vs. Mr.
Saito and Riki Choshu MC: Mad Dog Vachon vs. Nick Bockwinkel The Guerrero Brothers (Hector and Mando) vs. Badd Company
Show 62, Wed. 5/28/08 (1988) Handsome Harry and Daryl Nickle vs. Ricky Rice and Derrick Dukes Kevin Collins
vs. Curt Hennig w/ Madusa Miceli Greg Robertson and Houdini vs. Badd Company w/Diamond Dallas Page MC: Sgt. Jacques
Goulet vs. Buck Zumhoffe Riki Choshu and Mr. Saito vs. Greg Gagne and Jerry Lawler
Show 63, Thurs. 5/29/08 (1988) Soldat
Ustinov w/Teijo Kahn vs. Biff Anderson Dennis Stamp vs. Greg Gagne Big Mountain Fudgecake vs. Krusher Krugnoff Jerry
Lawler vs. Bill Dundee MC: Wilbur Snyder and Pepper Gomez vs. Nick Bockwinkel and Ray Stevens Baron Von Raschke vs.
Curt Hennig
Show 64, Fri. 5/30/08 (1988) David Koorijion vs. Curt Hennig w/Madusa Miceli Pete Sanchez vs. Wahoo
McDaniel David Biccone vs. Manny Fernandez MC: Crusher Blackwell and Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie vs. Mad Dog Vachon and Verne
Gagne Chris Curtis vs. Jerry Lawler AWA World Tag Team Championship Robert Gibson and Greg Gagne vs. Badd Company
Show 65, Sat. 5/31/08 (1988) Mike Luca vs. Teijo Kahn w/Soldat Ustinov Tony Leone vs. Cousin Luke David Koorijion
vs. Manny Fernandez MC: Bobby Duncum vs. Wahoo McDaniel Larry Biccone and Brian Costello vs. Badd Company Soldat
Ustinov w/Teijo Kahn vs. Jerry Lawler
Show 66, Tues. 6/3/08 (1988) Chris Curtis vs. Wahoo McDaniel Pete Sanchez
and Mike Luca vs. Badd Company Bryan Costello vs. Mando Guerrero MC: Mr. Saito vs. Curt Hennig Teijo Kahn, Soldat
Ustinov and Manny Fernandez vs. The Top Guns and Robert Gibson
Show 67, Wed. 6/4/08 (1988) Chris Curtis vs. Cousin
Luke Larry Biccone and David Koorijion vs. Soldat Ustinov and Teijo Kahn Bryan Costello and Pete Sanchez vs. The Top
Guns MC: The Fabulous Ones w/The Crusher vs. The Road Warriors w/ Paul Ellering Mike Luca vs. Manny Fernandez Mando
Guerrero vs. Pat Tanaka w/Diamond Dallas Page
Show 68, Thurs. 6/5/08 (1988) Greg Robertson vs. Soldat Ustinov w/Teijo
Kahn Hunter Thompson and Dennis Stamp vs. The Top Guns Randy Greenway vs. Pat Tanaka w/Diamond Dallas Page and Tonya Kevin
Collins vs. Baron Von Raschke Brandy Mae vs. Madusa Miceli
Show 69, Fri. 6/6/08 (1988) Hunter Thompson vs. Wahoo
McDaniel Scott Hudson and Randy Greenway vs. Badd Company w/Diamond Dallas Page Mike Somani vs. Rocky Mountain Thunder
w/Brandy Mae Greg Robertson vs. Curt Hennig w/Madusa Soldat Ustinov and Teijo Kahn vs. The Top Guns
Show70, Sat.
6/7/08 was a rerun of 6/6
Show 71, Tues. 6/10/08 (1988) Jay Strongbow Jr. vs. Mike Somani Greg Robertson and
Dennis Stamp vs. The Guerreros (Mando and Chavo) Scott Hudson vs. Teijo Kahn w/Soldat Ustinov Rocky Mountain Thunder
vs. Hunter Thompson Curt Hennig w/Madusa Miceli vs. Jerry Lawler
Show 72, Wed. 6/11/08 (1988) Scott Hudson and
Vernon Deaton vs. The Top Guns Greg Robertson and Mike Somani vs. Wahoo McDaniel and Jay Strongbow Jr. MC: Billy Robinson
vs. Nick Bockwinkel Dennis Stamp vs. Soldat Ustinov w/Teijo Kahn AWA World Tag Team Championship Mando and Chavo
Guerrero vs. Badd Company w/Diamond Dallas Page
Show 73, Thurs. 6/12/08 (1988) Tony Leone & Brian Costello Vs
Ricky Rice & John Paul Deaton & Somani vs Chavo & Mando Guerrero Jerry Lawler vs Chris Curtis Kevin Collins
vs Paul Diamond w/DDP Teijo Kahn vs Baron von Raschke
Show 74, Fri. 6/13/08 (1988) The Top Guns vs. Wayne Bloom
and Bryan Costello Houdini vs. Manny Fernandez Mike Smith vs. Greg Gagne Todd Becker vs. Col. DeBeers w/Diamond
Dallas Page MC: The Crusher vs. Jerry Blackwell w/Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie Susan Sexton vs. Madusa Miceli
75, Sat. 6/14/08 (1988) Houdini vs. Soldat Ustinov w/Teijo Kahn Wayne Bloom vs. Wahoo McDaniel Lori Lynn vs. The
Magnificent Mimi MC: Blackjack Mulligan vs. Nick Bockwinkel w/Bobby Heenan Teijo Kahn w/Soldat Ustinov vs. Jerry Lawler
Show 76, Tues. 6/17/08 (1988) Mike Enos and Houdini vs. Badd Company w/Diamond Dallas Page Mike Smith vs. Jerry
Lawler MC: Jimmy Snuka vs. Larry Zbyszko Bryan Costello vs. Col. DeBeers w/Diamond Dallas Page Manny Fernandez vs.
Wahoo McDaniel
Show 77, Wed. 6/18/08 (1988) Nature's Best vs. Badd Company w/Diamond Dallas Page MC: Jimmy Garvin
w/Precious vs. Kerry Von Erich Shawn Baxter and Billy Travis vs. The Samoan Swat Team w/Buddy Jack Roberts Terry Adonis
vs. Jerry Lawler
Show 78, Thurs. 6/19/08 (1988) Terry Adonis and The Beast vs. The Top Guns Scott Steiner vs.
Ronnie Garvin Kevin Collins vs. Baron Von Raschke Gary Young w/Downtown Bruno vs. Kerry Von Erich Ronnie Garvin
vs. Greg Gagne Wendi Richter and Magnificent Mimi vs. Sylvia and Madusa Miceli Robert Fuller, Jimmy Golden & Tommy
Rich w/Downtown Bruno & Miss Sylvia vs. Bill Dundee, Jeff Jarrett & Jimmy Valiant
Show 79, Fri. 6/20/08 (1988) Nature's
Best vs. Badd Company w/Diamond Dallas Page Terry Adonis and The Hangman vs. The Rock and Roll Express Michael Hayes
vs. "Iceman" King Parsons Terry Garvin vs. Steve Cox Teijo Kahn and Soldat Ustinov vs. Sgt. Slaughter and Keith Eric Wahoo
McDaniel vs. Manny Fernandez
Show 80, Sat.6/21/08 (1988) Alan Reynolds vs. Col. DeBeers w/Diamond Dallas Page Ray
Odyssey and Shawn Baxter vs. The Samoan Swat Team w/Buddy Roberts Terry Adonis vs. Jerry Lawler The Stud Stable (Fuller
& Golden) w/Downtown Bruno & Sylvia vs. Brickhouse Brown & Bill Dundee Badd Company (Pat Tanaka and Paul Diamond),
The Rock and Roll RPM's (Mike Davis and Tommy Lane) and Cactus Jack w/Diamond Dallas Page and Downtown Bruno vs. The Rock
n' Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson), The Top Guns (Ricky Rice and Jon Paul), and Jeff Jarrett
Show 81,
Tues. 6/24/08 was a Rerun of 6/20/08
Show 82, Wed. 6/25/08 (1988) The Rock and Roll RPM's vs. Badd Company The
Rock n' Roll Express & Sgt.Slaughter vs. Soldat Ustinov, Teijo Kahn & Col. DeBeers w/DDP Tommy Rich vs. Jimmy Valiant The
Samoan Swat Team w/Buddy Roberts vs. Michael Hayes and Steve Cox Wendi Richter w/The Top Guns vs. Madusa Miceli w/Badd
Show 83, Thurs. 6/26/08 (1987) Dennis Stamp vs. Greg Gagne David Price vs. Adrian Adonis w/Bob Orton
and Paul E. Dangerously Houdini vs. Soldat Ustinov w/Teijo Kahn Pete Sanchez and Tom Stone vs. The Midnight Rockers AWA
World Heavyweight Championship Wahoo McDaniel vs. Curt Hennig
Show 84, Fri. 6/27/08 (1987) Mitch Snow vs. Art
Washington DJ Peterson w/Wahoo McDaniel vs. Mike Tolos Arm Wrestling Challenge Steve Olsonoski vs. Kevin Kelly w/Sherri
Martel Sonny Rogers vs. Soldat Ustinov w/Boris Zhukov and Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie Ray Stevens vs. Larry Zbyszko AWA
World Heavyweight Championship Greg Gagne vs. Curt Hennig
Show 85, Sat. 6/28/08 (1987) Lance Allen & Stoney
Burke vs The Original Midnight Express w/Paul E. Rick Gantner vs Steve O Leone & Sanchez vs Peterson & Wahoo Nasty
Boys vs Jarrett & Burke Tommy Rich vs Chris Curtis Billy Anderson vs Boris Zhukov
Show 86, Tues. 7/1/08
(1987) Rick Gantner vs. Greg Gagne Sonny Rogers and Jake Milliman vs. The ORIGINAL Midnight Express w/ Paul E. Dangerously
Dennis Stamp and Tom Stone vs. JT Southern and DJ Peterson Larry Zbyszko vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Show 87, Wed. 7/2/08
(1987) Lance Allen vs. Mitch Snow Billy Bold Eagle and Chris Curtis vs. Soldat Ustinov and Boris Zhukov Jim Evans
vs. Adrian Adonis w/Paul E. Dangerously Steve Olsonoski and Jerry Blackwell vs. The ORIGINAL Midnight Express w/Paul E.
Show 88, Thurs. 7/3/08 (1987) Mike Tolos vs. Greg Gagne Rocky Stone vs. Kevin Kelly w/Madusa Art
Washington vs. Tommy Rich Chris Curtis vs. Steve Olsonoski Jim Evans and Stony Burke vs. The ORIGINAL Midnight Express
w/Paul E. Dangerously
Show 89, Fri. 7/4/08 (1987) Tom Stone and Mike Tolos vs. Wahoo McDaniel and DJ Peterson Lance
Allen vs. Kevin Kelly w/ Madusa Greg Gagne vs. Larry Zbyszko
Show 90, Sat. 7/5/08 (1987) Bryan Costello vs. Mitch
Snow Art Washington vs. Adrian Adonis w/ Paul E. Dangerously Nick Bockwinkel vs. Curt Hennig Nick Kiniski vs. Steve
Show 91, Tues. 7/8/08 (1987) Kevin Collins vs. Larry Zbyszko DJ Peterson and Wahoo McDaniel vs. Soldat
Ustinov and Boris Zhukov Peggy Lee Leather vs. Madusa Miceli w/Kevin Kelly DJ Peterson vs. Curt Hennig
92, Wed. 7/9/08 (1987) Jim Evans vs. Nick Kiniski w/ Kevin Kelly and Madusa Miceli The Long Riders (Scott and Bill Irwin)
vs. Curt Hennig and Scott Hall Boris Zhukov w/Soldat Ustinov vs. Wahoo McDaniel (Russian Chain match)
Show 93,
Thurs. 7/10/08 (1987) Tony Leone vs. Mitch Snow Nacho Barrera vs. Steve Olsonoski Rick Gantner vs. Tommy Rich Mike
Tolos vs. Adrian Adonis w/Paul E. Dangerously AWA World Heavyweight Championship Wahoo McDaniel vs. Curt Hennig
94, Fri, 7/11/08 (1987) M.L. Williams vs. Buddy Landell Tony Leone vs. Adrian Adonis w/Paul E. Dangerously Mike Tolos
vs. Curt Hennig Rick Gantner vs. Greg Gagne The ORIGINAL Midnight Express (Dennis Condrey and Randy Rose) vs. JT Southern
and DJ Peterson
Show 95, Sat. 7/12/08 (1987) Lance Allen vs. Buddy Landell Mike Tolos and ML Williams vs. Kevin
Kelly and Nick Kiniski w/Madusa Miceli Tom Stone vs. Tommy Rich Mitch Snow vs. Larry Zbyszko
Show 96, Tues. 7/15/08
(1987) Alan West/Mitch Snow vs. Brian Costello/Frankie Defalco Jim Evans vs. Dick Slater Tommy Rich vs. Mike Richards Adrian
Adonis vs. Pete Sanchez Mr. Magnificent vs. Jerry Blackwell
Show 97, Wed. 7/16/08 (1987) Ustinov/Sommers vs.
D.J. Peterson/J.T. Southern Van Van Horn/Brian Costello vs. Original Midnight Express Kevin Collins vs. Adrian Adonis Lawler/Dundee
vs. Sommers/Ustinov
Show 98, Thurs. 7/17/08 (1987) Tommy Rich vs. Art Washington Jim Evans vs. Curt Hennig Rich/McDaniel/Blackwell
vs. The Midnight Express/Adonis Rick Ganter vs. Jerry Blackwell Nick Kiniski/Kevin Kelly vs. Mike Richards/Frankie DeFalco Dennis
Condrey vs. Wahoo McDaniel
Show 99, Fri. 7/18/08 (11/14/1987) Crazy Horse vs. Dick Slater MC: Nov. 1975, Stevens/Bockwinkel
vs. Crusher/Bruiser Kevin Kelly vs. Rich Winter Original Midnight Express vs. Dundee/Lawler
NO SHOW 7/19/08
100, Tues. 7/22/08 (1987) Tony Leone vs. Wahoo McDaniel w/Billy Jack Strong Jim Evans vs. Nick Kiniski w/ Kevin Kelly
and Madusa Miceli Chris Zarna vs. Dick Slater w/Curt Hennig Rick Gantner and Mike Richards vs. Jerry Lawler and Bill
Dundee Pete Sanchez vs. Greg Gagne Mitch Snow vs. Curt Hennig
Show 101, Wed.7/23/08 (1987) Rick Gantner vs.
Billy Jack Strong w/Wahoo McDaniel AWA Television Championship Tournament Soldat Ustinov vs. JT Southern Wahoo McDaniel,
Tommy Rich and Jerry Blackwell vs. The ORIGINAL Midnight Express and Adrian Adonis w/ Paul E. Dangerously
Show 102,
Thurs. 7/24/08 (1987) DJ Peterson vs. Kevin Kelly w/Madusa Miceli AWA Tag Team Championship Mike Starr and Sonny
Rogers vs. The ORIGINAL Midnight Express w/Paul E. Dangerously Mike Tolos vs. Wahoo McDaniel Greg Robertson vs. Adrian
Adonis w/Paul E. Dangerously Nick Kiniski vs. Greg Gagne
Show 103, Fri. 7/25/08 (1987) Tony Leone vs. DJ Peterson
w/Madusa Miceli Dennis Stamp and Mike Tolos vs. Mitch Snow and Tanaka Art Washington and Mitch Snow vs. The ORIGINAL
Midnight Express w/Paul E. Dangerously Kevin Collins vs. Curt Hennig Tommy Rich vs. Adrian Adonis w/Paul E. Dangerously
104, Sat. 7/26/08 (1987) Dennis Stamp vs. Adrian Adnois w/Paul E. Dangerously Sonny Rogers and Greg Robertson vs. Kevin
Kelly and Nick Kiniski Rick Gantner vs. DJ Peterson w/Wahoo McDaniel Alan West and Mitch Snow vs. The ORIGINAL Midnight
Express w/Paul E. Dangerously
Show 105, Tues. 7/29/08 (1987) Kevin Collins vs. Soldat Ustinov Mike Tolos vs.
Greg Gagne Kevin Kelly w/Nick Kiniski vs. DJ Peterson w/Madusa Miceli AWA World Heavyweight Championship STRAP MATCH Wahoo
McDaniel vs. Curt Hennig
Show 106, Wed. 7/30/08 (1990) Art Washington vs. Billy Jack Strong Pete Sanchez and
Tom Stone vs. Alan West and Mitch Snow AWA Television Championship Greg Gagne vs. Adrian Adonis w/Paul E. Dangerously Kevin
Kelly and Nick Kiniski w/Madusa Miceli vs. The Midnight Rockers
Show 107, Thurs. 7/31/08 (1990) Bad Boy Brown vs.
Tommy Jammer The Menace vs. Yukon John Nord Jimmy Magnum and Red Tyler vs. The Texas Hangmen Todd Becker vs. Mr.
Saito Yukon John Nord vs. Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie
Show 108, Fri. 8/1/08 (1990) Team Challenge Series: Greco-Roman
Rules Match Wayne Bloom w/Mike Enos and Larry Zbyszko vs. Baron Von Raschke Team Challenge Series: Football Match Mike
Enos w/Larry Zbyszko vs. The Trooper Team Challenge Series: Six-Man Tag Team Battle Royal Main Event Challenge Special
Attraction Paul Diamond and Tommy Jammer vs. The Texas Hangmen vs. Johnnie Stewart and The Unknown Soldier
109, Sat. 8/2/08 (1990) Kent Carlson vs. The Trooper George Anderson and Tony Leone vs. The Destruction Crew WT
Jones vs. Sgt. Slaughter Tom Bennett vs. The Russian Brute w/Ox Baker Team Challenge Series: Beauty and the Beast Match Col.
DeBeers and Magnificent Mimi vs. Baron Von Raschke and Candi Divine
Show 110, Tues. 8/5/08 (1990) Todd Becker vs.
Larry Zbyszko Team Challenge Series Match: One-Armed Bandit Match Col. DeBeers w/Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie vs. Yukon John
Nord Todd Becker and Jake Milliman vs. The Texas Hangmen Paul Diamond and The Trooper vs. The Destruction Crew w/Larry
Show 111, Wed. 8/6/08 (1990) Larry Zybszko vs Todd Becker John Nord vs Col. DeBeers (One arm bandit
match) Texas Hangmen vs Jake Milliman & Todd Becker The Trooper & Paul Diamond vs The Destruction Crew
112, Thurs. 8/7/08 (1990) Todd Becker vs. Col. DeBeers w/Sheik Adnan El-Kaissie Texas Hangmen & The Russian Brute
w/Ox Baker vs. Brad Rehingans, Paul Diamond & Curtis Hughes Frankie DeFalco vs. DJ Peterson Two out of Three Falls Nikita
Koloff vs. Larry Zbyszko
Show 113, Fri. 8/8/08 (1990) Tom Burton vs. Nikita Koloff Kent Carlson vs. Larry Zbyszko WT
Jones vs. The Trooper DJ Peterson and Brad Rheingans vs. The Destruction Crew
Show 114, Sat. 8/9/08 (1990) The
Lumberjacks (Norton & Nord) vs Bennett & Burton Carlson & Evans vs Texas Hangmen The Trooper vs Jamie Magnum Sgt.
Slaughter vs Johnnie Stewart
AWA on ESPN Classic 8/11/08 DVR Championship Wrestling 1990 Jim
Evans v Jonnie Stewart – The Illustrious One gets DQ’d for nailing a prone opponent from the top rope Nikita
Koloff v Jamie Magnum Col. DeBeers v Kent Carlson The Texas Hangmen v Todd Becker/Tom Bennett Larry Zbyszko v The
Trooper – AWA title
AWA on ESPN Classic 8/12/08 DVR Championship Wrestling 1990 John Nord v Spike Jones Jonnie
Stewart v Jim Evans DJ Peterson/Ric McCord v The Tokyo Bullets *A recap of the Zbyszko/Trooper match from the previous
week* Larry Zbyszko v Brad Rheingans – AWA title
AWA on ESPN Classic 8/13/08 DVR Championship Wrestling
1990 The Trooper v Kent Carlson Nikita Koloff v Mike George – JIP Hangman Psycho v Jim Evans Scott Norton
v Tom Bennett The Destruction Crew v DJ Peterson/Ric McCord – AWA tag title
AWA on ESPN Classic 8/14/08 DVR Championship
Wrestling 1990 The Trooper v Tokyo Bullet I Mike George v The Menace Nikita Koloff v Spike Jones DJ Peterson/Ric
McCord v Kent Carlson/Tom Bennett Jonnie Stewart v Tony DeNucci
AWA on ESPN Classic 8/15/08 DVR Championship
Wrestling 1990 John Nord/Scott Norton v Tom Stone/JR Carson Col. DeBeers v John Pistulka Buck Zumhofe v WT Jones Tommy
Jammer/Jake Milliman v Mike Enos/Jonnie Stewart – The heels get themselves DQ’d, serving as an excuse for “Benchwarmer”
Bob Lurtsema to hit the ring and expose the clawhold Hangman Psycho v Curtis Hughes
AWA on ESPN Classic 8/18/08
DVR Championship Wrestling 1990 Sgt. Slaughter/Nikita Koloff/The Trooper v Larry Zbyszko/Mike Enos/The Russian Brute
– Just the last few minutes John Nord/Scott Norton v WT Jones/John Pistulka The Russian Brute v George Anderson Tommy
Jammer v Tom Stone Mike Enos/Jonnie Stewart v Steve Burke/Mike Braham Larry Zbyszko v DJ Peterson – AWA title.
This is actually a very good match
AWA on ESPN Classic 8/19/08 DVR Championship Wrestling 1990 Brad Rheingans
v WT Jones Col. DeBeers v Mike Braham Sgt. Slaughter v John Pistulka DJ Peterson v George Anderson The Texas Hangmen
v Mike Braham/Steve Berg Survivor Battle Royal – Won by The Trooper and Scott Norton, earning TCS points for Baron’s
AWA on ESPN Classic 8/20/08 DVR Championship Wrestling 1990 Tommy Jammer v Randy Gust Jonnie Stewart
v Spike Jones Sgt. Slaughter v Tom Burton Kent Carlson/Tom Bennett v The Destruction Crew – The Crew get themselves
DQ’d after violating the top-rope rule The Trooper v WT Jones Candi Devine v Magnificent Mimi – AWA Women’s
AWA on ESPN Classic 8/21/08 DVR Championship Wrestling 1990 DJ Peterson v Tom Stone The Destruction
Crew v Randy Gust/Steve Butler Tommy Jammer v WT Jones Larry Zbyszko v Todd Becker The Tokyo Bullets v The Texas
Hangmen – 2/3 Falls Nikita Koloff v Mike George
AWA on ESPN Classic 8/22/08 DVR Championship Wrestling
1990 Tommy Jammer v Pistol Pete Pistulka *Eric Bischoff interviews Harley Race* Tony DeNucci/Steve Berg v The Texas
Hangmen – The Hangmen go to the “heel team gets DQ’d” booking well The Trooper v Gary Richards Larry
Zbyszko v Harley Race – AWA title
AWA on ESPN Classic 8/25/08 DVR Championship Wrestling 1990 Jonnie Stewart
v WT Jones Curtis Hughes v Jamie Magnum Col. DeBeers v Tom Bennett The Destruction Crew v The Trooper/DJ Peterson
– AWA tag title. The babyfaces take the belts
AWA on ESPN Classic 8/26/08 DVR Championship Wrestling 1990 Larry
Cameron v Jake Milliman The Destruction Crew/The Texas Hangmen v Baron Von Raschke/The Trooper/Brad Rheingans/Tommy Jammer
– No DQ Elimination Match Buck Zumhofe v Jonnie Stewart – Vacant AWA Light Heavyweight title
AWA on
ESPN Classic 8/27/08 DVR All-Star Wrestling 1986 (St. Paul, MN 12/25/85) Marty Jannetty v Kelly Kiniski Little Mr.
T/Cowboy Lang v Little Tokyo/Lord Littlebrook *Larry Nelson and Larry Zbyszko host “In This Corner,” with guests
Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey and Nord the Barbarian* Rick Martel v Stan Hansen – AWA title
AWA on ESPN Classic 8/28/08
DVR Championship Wrestling 1990 Buck Zumhofe v Jonnie Stewart – Vacant AWA Light Heavyweight title. Just the last
four minutes Brad Rheingans v Pete Pistulka Harley Race v Kent Carlson Curtis Hughes/Buck Zumhofe/Jonnie Stewart/The
Unknown Soldier v The Destruction Crew/The Texas Hangmen
AWA on ESPN Classic 8/29/08 DVR Championship Wrestling
1990 Tony DeNucci/Steve Berg v Tom Bennett/Pete Pistulka Larry Zbyszko v Jimmy Magnum Survivor Battle Royal –
Won by Jake Milliman, claiming the overall Team Challenge Series championship, along with $1 million, for Larry’s Legends
on ESPN Classic 9/1/08 DVR Championship Wrestling 1990 DJ Peterson v Jimmy Magnum Tommy Jammer v Tom Stone John
Nord v The Annihilator The Texas Hangmen v Tony Leone/The Cobra Nikita Koloff v Larry Zbyszko – 2/3 Falls. Referee
Bob Lurtsema figures prominently in the finish
AWA on ESPN Classic 9/2/08 DVR Championship Wrestling 1990 Brad
Rheingans v Jamie Magnum – This jobber has gone by both “Jimmy” and “Jamie” The Texas Hangmen
v Red Tyler/Todd Becker Nikita Koloff v The Annihilator Larry Zbyszko v The Cobra Tommy Jammer v Tony Leone Col.
DeBeers v Tom Stone Tully Blanchard/The Destruction Crew v The Trooper/DJ Peterson/Paul Diamond – Elimination Match
AWA on ESPN Classic 9/3/08 DVR All-Star Wrestling The Trooper v Tom Stone The Texas Hangmen v Todd Becker/Spike
Jones Mike George v Nacho Barrera Curtis Hughes v The Russian Brute Col. DeBeers v Pete Sanchez Brad Rheingans
v Wayne Bloom – Greco-Roman Match
on ESPN Classic 10/16/08 DVR All-Star Wrestling 1988 Badd Company v Bill Anderson/Alex Knight Rocky Mountain Thunder
v Mike Richards Soldat Ustinov v Houdini Bobby Duncum v Pat O’Connor – Kiel Auditorium 5/5/82. Just the
last few minutes. How you don’t give this at least eight minutes is simply a crime The Midnight Rockers v Tom Stone/Jim
Evans Brian Knobs v Ricky Rice
AWA on ESPN Classic 11/21/08 DVR All-Star Wrestling 1987 The Original Midnight
Express v Stoney Burke/Lance Allen Steve O v Rick Gantner – Great stuff, only because Gantner sells O’s resthold
by yelling “HE’S HURTING MY LEG!!!” Wahoo McDaniel/DJ Peterson v Pete Sanchez/Tony Leone Jeff Jarrett/Stoney
Burke v The Nasty Boys – Brian Knobs tosses Burke over the top rope for the DQ Tommy Rich v Tom Stone Boris Zukhov
v Bill Anderson